ClayClan - The Journey Begins

The Gods of DeFi were waiting for your arrival. And the time has now come.
Beyond the wild forests of DeFi, lies an undiscovered land…full of mysteries, treasures, and stories unheard of. The land of…ClayClan.
ClayClan is a place of mystery and ambiguity. It’s a place of adventure.
Soldiers of ClayClan, you’re now stepping into a world that for several people only exists in the imagination. ClayClan is an infallible DeFi fortress, being guided by the indomitable ClayStack – the land where freedom and sustainability go hand in hand. And ClayClanDAO is a castle of freedom. And all of you soldiers of ClayStack are the sole occupiers of this castle.
ClayClanDAO’s Objectives
As a sub-DAO to ClayStack, the objective of all the members of the ClayClanDAO is not just to learn about the vast powers of liquid staking but to also spread it amongst the degens of DeFi and help them find their eventual home. The ClayClanDAO is run by an independent Council. All the members of different houses of ClayClan vote for the Council members. ClayClan has four houses.
House Victoria
These are the great explorers and first settlers of the ClayClan - and they lead it from the front. All other houses pay their homage to the Victorians. They are part of the Council and are composed of a group of six ambassadors. All the Council members are voted in by the ambassadors of the ClayClan.
House Malawi
The second-in-command and right-hand people for all Victorians. Malawians are the ones who look after the execution of missions and conquests. They hold either of four available posts that include Community, Quality Control, Recruitment, and Support.
House Onega
The newest settlers of the ClayClan. They are the newest occupants of the ClayClan and number in the hundreds.
To know more about the different houses and how they work, refer to the Season 2 blog.
Your mission…
Is to spread like wildfire the far-reaching potential and powers of ClayStack. Take the initiative by creating the exceptional content you create and share the freedom that liquid staking brings to your portfolio - with the entire world. And in return, ClayClanDAO will recognize you for your efforts.
Victorians will periodically select the best pieces of content and share it on the official ClayClanDAO account. The more engaging your work is, the more you will be recognized.
And remember that there are also chances to get your work featured on the official ClayStack Twitter account - it would all depend on the quality of your work and the engagement it gets. And guess what? If Mohak likes your content, he might just retweet it from his own account! 😍
Not only this, you will be recognized for all the work that you do in either Mission Hub points or community-leading roles or both 😉
In addition to this, the Twitter account will feature everything about
- community updates and contest announcements
- global/regional AMAs,
- 1-on-1 discussions,
- Mission Hub updates
and much more! We will also be sharing sneak peeks of a platform that we are building specifically for our community. Hint: we’ve used it only once before...any guesses? 😉
Why ClayClanDAO
We will soon transition ClayClan into a community-led DAO where everything about ClayClan will be decided by you. We will share more updates on the ClayClanDAO soon!
Let’s grow #ClayClan
You may be a DeFi degen…but from now on, you are a soldier of ClayClan. And remember, a castle is as strong as its occupants. Let the world know of the incredible power of ClayStack and the vast reaches of ClayClan.
Soldiers and warriors of the land of ClayStack go forth and conquer the land of DeFi. You know you’ve found your freedom. But for all those who are still looking, let them know that here it does exist.
Go follow ClayClanDAO on Twitter, and start sharing your knowledge of ClayStack!